Is This a Rebound Relationship?
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Wait, We’re not Monogamous?!?!

The only way I could see this data as relevant would be if attraction could be guaged. I like attractive men, white, black, asian, hispanic, attractive men work for me period.
You’d have to compair my attractive level to the average attraction level of an asian women to one particular asian male to see if I’m ‘more attracted to white males’

So, if 9 guys contact me a day.
4 white, 2 black, 2 asian, 1 hispanic
– the hispanic guy hasn’t read my profile and only asked me ‘what’s up’ – I think this is the guy, not the fact that he’s hispanic (as I doubt this one guy is enough to say that all hispanic men typically reply one liners)
+ one of the asians is attractive but his profile suggests we don’t actually have anything in common, I reply anyway to see if we do (there, a case in which I reply but I may not actually be interested)
2 white guys I’m not attracted to
1 white guy I reply to because he’s not attractive but I think we could be friends
1 white guy I think is cute and talk to him more
the last asian seems awesome and he’s totally into gaming, COOL GAMING BUDDY – replyed to him.
1 black guy, cute but he moved too fast and started talking about my ass

So, I may have only ended up talking to the one white guy but
a) white had a 4 in 9 chance
b) his personality jived
c) I was attracted to him